Wednesday, March 12


Watch: Main Engine Crankshaft Deflection Test on a Ship
Marine, Videos

Watch: Main Engine Crankshaft Deflection Test on a Ship

Crankshaft deflection is an important task that most be carried out as recommended by the engine maker at specified intervals to ascertain and ensure the health of the crankshaft and as well the general efficient running of the engine. The video below shows the process of carrying out crankshaft deflection test of a ship's main engine.
Four Reasons Trains Fail

Four Reasons Trains Fail

A train failure makes big headlines, while train successes frequently go unpublicized. You do not often read about train improvements or customer satisfaction. Yet, technological advancements are constantly making railway travel safer and more efficient. No transportation system is perfect; however, so trains do still fail on occasion. Four of the most frequent causes of trains failing to move or reach full speed are the failure of power, a defect in the master control circuit, a defect in the motor control circuit, and failure of air brakes to release. Failure of Power Rail passengers have long been frustrated by train delays caused by power failure. According to How to Become a Successful Motorman by Aylmer-Small. A master control circuit can be open due...
General Train Maintenance: How Is It Done?

General Train Maintenance: How Is It Done?

How are trains managed? They require a stricter management system than cars because it carries several people at once; in addition, we need to consider sustainability in the future. Can train maintenance be sustainable? What are the similarities and differences between cars and trains? Unlike cars that run on roads, trains run on railroad tracks. Plus, trains are huge enough to run with hundreds of people and loads. However, the two are basically similar vehicles in that they use a power source to spin the wheels. Trains, like cars, require regular inspection. A railroad is a road for trains, and trains are basically a means of transportation similar to a car In fact, trains require more maintenance than cars. This is because a lot of people and supplies need to be ch...
Train Maintenance Schedule Best Practices: Rolling Stock Inspections, Regulations, and More

Train Maintenance Schedule Best Practices: Rolling Stock Inspections, Regulations, and More

Railways are comprised of hundreds of thousands of individual components and moving parts, including complex mechanical and electrical systems that must work together seamlessly in order to ensure a safe and compliant operation. After all, safe and reliable service depends on equipment that’s in good working order, and equipment that’s well maintained and optimally functioning results in lower operating costs and less downtime due to unpredictable breakdowns and delays. While rail operations fully understand the need for ongoing preventative maintenance, it’s a time-consuming and expensive process – and due to the challenges that exist in properly tracking and carrying out maintenance activities, it’s easy to allow these preventative measures to fall by the wayside. Here’s a look at a f...
Basic Maintenance Tips For Large Scale Locomotives

Basic Maintenance Tips For Large Scale Locomotives

Basic maintenance is the key to reliable operation. Here are several simple things you can do to keep your engines running: Proper lubrication is so important to reliable operation that Bachmann includes a video with many of its locomotives showing how to do it. This is no less important with other manufacturers’ locomotives. Many include exploded drawings or written instructions on how to lubricate the gears properly. Generally speaking, all moving parts should be kept lubricated, especially the gears. They should have a plastic-compatible grease applied. If they don’t, they’ll be prone to stripping, accelerated wear, and breakage. Wheel bearings and valve-gear should be oiled occasionally with no more than a drop or two of sewing machine (or similar) oil. WD-40 is not an accepta...